Editorial Illustrations for upstateuneathed.com
The Newhouse School of Communications, Syracuse, NY
“COVID Seeds, Weeds & Foraged Leaves” By Vivian Whitney

Editorial Illustration for upstateunearthed.com
The Newhouse School of Communications, Syracuse, NY
“The Power of Dirt” By Danielle Clough
Pinnacle Awards: Best Infographic



Jindo Puppy

Sammy the Squirrel and Patty the Pig Children's Book Illustration
"The War of the Wolf and the Fox" short story spot illustrations and cover
Story by Andrew Lang

"To Build a Fire" Short Story Spot Illustrations
Story by Jack London

Biodiversity Quote Book 2-Page Spread Illustration: "Organisms Interconnections"

"Neighborhood Chestnut Tree" 3 panel illustration. Pen, Ink, and Digital

"The Color of Sound" Editorial Illustration

"Big Cat Outcasts" Character and Story Development
"2020 is our Last, Best Chance to Save the Planet" Editorial Illustrations

Spot Illustration 1: "Keeping the Economy Afloat"

Spot Illustration 2: "Rebirth"

Page Illustration: "Trump Parade"
Sketchbook pages as part of my Montezuma wetland wildlife research illustration project. A combination of digital, pencil, and marker mediums.

Montezuma Wetland Wildlife Journal Cover

Black Tern Page

American Bittern Page

Lesser Scaup Page

American Black Duck Page

Greater Yellowlegs Page

Killdeer Page

Field Note Sketches Page 1

Ring Necked Duck Page

Northern Harrier Hawk Spread

Field note Sketchbook Spread 1

Goldfinch Spread

Field note Sketchbook Spread 2

Sandhill Crane Page

Black Rail Page

Gray Tree Frog Page

Spotted Turtle Page